Title: "Capturing Timeless Drama: The Artistry of Black and White Character Portraits with the Ricoh GR II"
Capturing Timeless Drama: The Artistry of Black and White Character Portraits with the Ricoh GR II camera.
Unveiling My Photographic Odyssey: The Mamiya RB 67 Professional SD Camera
Explore my captivating photographic journey with the Mamiya RB 67 PRO SD, a classic medium format camera from the 80s and 90s. In this blog, I delve into the endless possibilities offered by this remarkable all-mechanical workhorse. From its timeless design to the exceptional image quality it delivers, I'll share insights and tips that will inspire your own medium format adventures. Join me on this nostalgic voyage through photography's history, where vintage meets cutting-edge creativity.
The Evolution of Camera Technology: From Film to Digital - My 30 Year Journey
My 30 year journey started in my early 20’s and nw into my early 50’s. It’s been a privilege and an incredible journey that will continue for years to come.